Thursday, April 12, 2012

Your next back seat driver

Just as it has changed so many other aspects of life, wireless technology is about to revolutionize the way we drive.
Fender benders, rear-enders and those three-car pileups that back up traffic may be going the way of the buggy whip. 
Within a few years, cars whizzing down the highway will begin chatting among themselves. Once they all are equipped to join the conversation, every car will know the speed, distance and direction of every other car close enough to pose a risk.
Are cars slowing abruptly just beyond that tractor-trailer you can’t see around? You may get an alert, but if there’s no time for discussion, you may just feel your brakes squeeze on. A speeding pickup truck seems likely to run the red light as you approach the intersection? Your car may decide to stop rather than put you in danger.
I wish I had that kind of protection out of the car.

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